Horus Story

A Story from the Land of the Pharaohs
In the cradle of civilization, where the Nile River has fueled innovation and trade for thousands of years, a new force has emerged: Horus BDC. This company, named after the Pharaonic Falcon, is not just another business venture; it’s a champion for aspiring entrepreneurs.
Horus BDC recognizes that the land of the Pharaohs, steeped in wisdom and history, is ripe for a digital renaissance. Powered by cutting-edge technology and a vision for a prosperous future, Horus BDC offers a unique blend of tradition and progress. Its logo, a powerful symbol, combines the piercing gaze of a falcon with the all-seeing Eye of Horus. It represents not only protection and guidance but also a deep insight into the complexities of the financial and business world.
Horus BDC goes beyond providing business services; it cultivates a creative climate where ideas can soar. From licenses, permits, and feasibility studies to tackling the intricacies of digital transformation, Horus BDC’s team of experts empowers individuals to transform their dreams into prosperous institutions. Their name isn’t just a moniker; it’s a promise of protection and guidance. Like the mythical Horus, with his watchful gaze and unwavering power, Horus BDC understands that Egypt is vibrant with innovation, where startups thrive and local talent soars.
Doctor Ibrahim Al-Sabbaq, the visionary CEO, recognized the thriving entrepreneurial spirit in Egypt. He saw in Horus BDC the ability to bridge the gap between past and present, honoring the heritage of ancestors while building a path towards a prosperous future. With the support of an elite group of the best consultants and business developers in Egypt, and under the patronage and guidance of His Excellency President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi for digitization and entrepreneurship initiatives, Horus BDC has found fertile ground.
Their logo, decorated with the key of life and the Eye of Horus, refers not only to longevity and insight but also to the never-ending cycle of innovation and growth. Horus BDC has become a bridge between the past and the present, honoring the legacy of their ancestors while paving a path towards a more prosperous future. The story of Horus BDC is still being written, but one thing is certain: their dedication to empowering Egyptian entrepreneurs and developing existing projects, facilities, and institutions paves the way for a brighter tomorrow. Here, the spirit of innovation soars on the wings of a falcon, just like the watchful Horus who protects and guides his people with the all-seeing eye.