
Counselor Mohamed Reda Fahmy

Legal Consultant at IiSC

About Me

Counselor at Horus Technology Incubation and Entrepreneurship Support Company

Counselor Mohamed Reda possesses solid legal experience as he is passionate about learning and self-development. He graduated from the Faculty of Law with honors from Beni Suef University, which indicates his academic excellence and excellence in the field of law since the beginning of his educational career.

Diploma in Administrative Law His specialization in administrative law enhances his ability to provide accurate legal advice on establishing and managing companies, dealing with government agencies, and obtaining the necessary licenses.

Diploma in Public Law His specialization in public law enriches his understanding of the laws and regulations governing the country, which helps him provide comprehensive legal advice that takes into account all aspects of projects.

Master’s degree in Public Law from Beni Suef University, his master’s degree emphasizes his keenness to continuously develop and acquire advanced knowledge in the field of public law.

Experienced lawyer:

Registered at the Higher Appeals and the Council of State, his registration at these two supreme judicial bodies indicates his extensive experience in handling complex cases and defending his client’s rights at the highest levels.

A practicing lawyer before criminal, civil, and personal status courts, his diverse experience in different types of cases allows him to provide comprehensive legal advice that covers all the needs of entrepreneurs.

Active member:

He is a member of the Arab Lawyers Union (ALU) and his joining the ALU indicates his keenness to communicate with leading legal experts in the Arab world and exchange knowledge and experiences.

He holds a degree in National Security Strategies and Planning from the Nasser Higher Military Academy, which confirms his interest in national issues and his deep understanding of the strategies needed to protect the state’s interests and enhance its security.

What Counselor Mohamed Reda Fahmy offers to Horus BDC clients?

Counselor Fahmy provides comprehensive legal advice in various legal fields, including:

Company formation:

He helps entrepreneurs fulfill all legal requirements to properly establish their companies.

Compliance with laws:

Guides entrepreneurs on the laws and regulations governing their industries and helps them ensure they are compliant with them.

Intellectual Property Rights:

Provides counseling to protect entrepreneurs’ intellectual property rights, including patents and trademarks.

Contracts and negotiations:

Assists entrepreneurs in drafting binding commercial contracts and represents them in negotiations with various parties.

Legal disputes:

Defends the rights of entrepreneurs in the event of any legal disputes with third parties.

Detailed legal analysis:

Counselor Fahmy helps Horus BDC clients analyze various legal issues and provides detailed reports that contribute to making the right decisions.

Strong legal representation:

Counselor Mohamed Reda represents Horus BDC clients before various legal entities to defend their rights and interests.

Entrepreneurial Support:

Counselor Fahmy provides the necessary legal advice to entrepreneurs to help them establish and develop their projects in a legally sound manner.

Contact us to book your free consultation with Counselor Mohamed Reda Fahmy and benefit from his vast experience and insight to take your business to the next level.

Horus BDC is your gateway to success.